quarta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2011

II - Discovering a new world

The days following the birth of the little dragon and murmurs were marked by widespread recognition of the birth of it.  Before long everyone in town knew of Helike, succeeded to that kind of recognition came a lot of hits, obviously inappropriate.  Many dragons passed by the rancor cave Long family, but the little puppy, innocent and joyful, just wanted to have fun with potential friends, however, almost always, it was necessary that his parents withdrew him from near the exit as soon as possible  fearing an attack.
Living with the village was becoming more difficult day by day, to the point of forcing the family to seek a winged alternative outlet, and this was found.
In order to escape the furtive glances and provide some security for the little cub grow in peace, the couple chose to move to a kind of peak, on the edge of the village, so in case of emergency could use some help storey  quickly.
The peak was a phenomenal rock architecture, with stalactites and stalagmites sprouting of several points which gave it an air insured, to the point of view, and somewhat murky for unwanted visitors, near its crest was located in an immense cavern  large enough to accommodate the three dragons and guarantee space for Helike have fun and still protected enough so they took shelter of the mighty forces of nature.
It was a fabulous home, but they could not give themselves the luxury of close to the world, so occasionally, they would have to descend to the village for a visit to the elders or even for coexistence with other puppy,  even at the risk of not being accepted.
Despite the aerial fortress is already ready to receive them, still need to spend more time in the village and, therefore, put up with the other inhabitants.
The little cub could not be trapped inside the cave family, though that is spacious enough for what he wanted to do, but most of the chicks would have twists and turns with their parents at that time about a week  the little one was inside the cave, and he also has space but no friends to enjoy it, regardless of the reaction of others, they would lead to a recognition Helike plain and maybe meet other pups and thus, make friends,  both he, Helike, as their parents.
This optimism, the three finally left the confines of the cave.  The little dragon came out of the euphoric small cave, jumping for joy out of confinement by dark, but then froze, not fear, but rather a nostalgic feel, little had never seen much more than a scrub that was in front of the house rock  now faced with a new world, full of green, joy, light.
The surroundings of the cave Long family were marked by a closed vegetation, but traspassável; Linsguis to be the beginning of the trees were being covered by a new camouflage green, birds and some other specific animals on the planet, flew and crawled cheerful and energy  around whom passes by, carrying food for their offspring from the somewhat exotic artifacts.  The sky glowed a magnificent blue sharing its glory with the brilliance of two suns, one red and one orange, the clouds were playing a ballet opaque, but beautiful.  On land, many small flowers sprouted still making the air fragrant low.
Still amazed, Helike walk again, following their parents and watching every little detail of the world he will find.  His parents, a mixture of joy and fear, just guided him to a public place, paying attention to the eyes of the dragons began to emerge, however, inexplicably, they did not grow more resentful glances, but looks a bit soft and gentle  for the small Helike, which happily reciprocated.
Upon arriving at a common gathering place for all the dragons, the puppy shot, without warning, towards the other puppies looking for friends and fun, not something that you missed.  Meanwhile the couple Long was placed in an easily share, still grieving.
A few minutes passed before others join the two and, to the surprise of those without much delay, a dragon said:
- It's hard to believe someone so much feared as he is harmless.  - Some grunts of approval followed the observation.
The couple was suddenly covered up by a relief knowing that at least part of the population accepted the small Helike, but did not drop our guard nor changed their minds about leaving the provinces, especially when they noticed that the acceptance was not general.
Near dusk the local concentration was emptied, as well as new friends who had done Helike.  However, after not having anyone else there, except the family, remained a puppy, although entertaining in the game, you could tell he was very depressed and relatively thin for his age appeared, so the couple decided to talk to him, interrupting the  joke.
The little dragon felt intimidated when they approached, but did not shrink much.  He had bloodshot eyes and plunged us into a seemingly endless grief, his scales scarlet-red light flashed a shy what remained of the day, and his horns, slightly resembling curly red oak polished.
- Where are your parents, little one?  - Asked the dragon.
With a low growl and a phonetic premature, the baby responded - I know not ...  they lost the time ...  we were looking for food ...  mimi and suddenly woke up when he was alone ...  I'm afraid ...
The couple looked at each other and soon made a decision - come with us What?  It's late, the elders will not help us now.
The little red being nodded excitedly, and quickly returned to racing with Helike.  The couple did not know what to do with it beyond that night, but knew that if something happened, would not hesitate to adopt the little guy.
And so, back to the cave of the family, apparently, would grow again.

Well, hello again! Finally I post another cap :3
So... again sorry about the translation ;w;

I hope you like it
God bless

Because this is me ₢ Helike Long
Don't use without my permission!

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